Countries of origin: Italy, Brazil, China, India, Russia, Tibet, Nepal
Hardness on Mohs scale: 7
Rarity: Readily available
Zodiac Signs: Aries
Birthstone Month: August
Chakras: Heart
Planet: Mercury
Click here for green aventurine jewellery and accessories
Green aventurine meaning
Green Aventurine is often referred to as the "Stone of Opportunity." It's believed to attract good fortune, abundance, and prosperity. It's also associated with courage, perseverance, and a positive outlook.
Here are some of the key meanings and properties attributed to green aventurine:
- Good fortune: It's believed to attract luck and opportunities.
- Abundance: Green aventurine is often associated with wealth and prosperity.
- Courage: It's thought to boost courage and overcome fear.
- Perseverance: It can help you stay motivated and persistent in achieving your goals.
- Positive outlook: Green aventurine is said to promote optimism and a positive attitude.
What does green aventurine look like?
Green aventurine typically appears as a translucent or opaque green stone with tiny flecks of mica or other minerals embedded within it. These flecks give it a shimmering or glittery appearance, which is often referred to as "aventurescence." The colour of green aventurine can vary from pale green to deep forest green.

What is green aventurine used for?
Green aventurine has a variety of uses, both in jewellery and for metaphysical purposes. Here are some of its common applications:
- Beads: Green aventurine is often used to create beads for necklaces, bracelets, and other jewellery pieces.
- Cabochons: It can be cut into cabochons for rings, pendants, and other jewelry items.
- Tumbled stones: Tumbled green aventurine is popular for use in jewellery and as decorative stones.
Metaphysical purposes:
- Good fortune: Green aventurine is believed to attract luck and opportunities.
- Abundance: It's associated with wealth and prosperity.
- Courage: Green aventurine is thought to boost courage and overcome fear.
- Perseverance: It can help you stay motivated and persistent.
- Positive outlook: It's said to promote optimism and a positive attitude.
Cleansing and charging green aventurine
All crystals should be cleansed when you first get them and then regularly after that. They should also be charged to keep them at their full power.
Two of the most common ways to cleanse crystals is with water and with sunlight.
Can green aventurine get wet?
Yes, green aventurine can get wet. It is a relatively durable mineral and can withstand exposure to water. However, prolonged exposure to extremely hot or cold water, or to harsh chemicals, can affect its appearance or properties over time.
If you have a green aventurine stone that has been exposed to water, it is generally safe to rinse it with clean water and dry it gently. Avoid using harsh cleaning agents or scrubbing it too vigorously.
Can green aventurine go in sunlight?
Yes, green aventurine can go in sunlight. However, prolonged exposure to intense sunlight can cause its colour to fade over time. If you're concerned about preserving the color of your green aventurine stone, it's best to store it in a cool, dark place when not in use.
For a more comprehensive guide check out this blog post: How to Cleanse and Charge Crystals
Green aventurine healing properties
Physical healing properties
- Heart health: Green aventurine is often associated with heart health and is believed to help regulate blood pressure and circulation.
- Immune system support: It's thought to boost the immune system and aid in healing.
Emotional and mental healing properties
- Stress relief: Green aventurine is believed to help reduce stress and anxiety.
- Emotional balance: It's associated with emotional stability and can help overcome feelings of anger, frustration, or resentment.
Metaphysical healing properties
- Positive outlook: Green aventurine is thought to promote optimism and a positive attitude.
- Abundance: It's often used to attract abundance and prosperity into your life.
Affirmations for green aventurine
Affirmations are a great tool to use alongside crystals. They can be used to set your intention and further personalise your journey of healing and growth. Firstly, decide which of the many properties of green avventurine you feel is needed in your life at this current time. Next, write down your affirmation as if it has already happening, in the present tense. Remember your affirmation must be positive, for example rather than "I hope things get better for me" instead say "Everything always works out well for me".
Here are some examples you can use:

Where do you put green aventurine in your home?
Green Aventurine can be placed in various areas of your home to enhance its positive energies. Here are some popular locations:
- Bedroom: Place green aventurine by your bed to promote restful sleep and emotional balance.
- Living room: Keep it in the living room to attract good fortune and abundance.
- Home office: Place green aventurine on your desk to boost creativity, perseverance, and a positive outlook.
- Entranceway: Keep it near the entrance to your home to attract opportunities and ward off negative energy.
- Garden: Place green aventurine outdoors to enhance the growth of plants and attract positive energy to your home.
Ultimately, the best location for your green aventurine depends on your personal preferences and the specific benefits you're seeking. You can experiment with different placements to find the one that feels most right for you.
What chakra is green aventurine good for?
Green aventurine is primarily associated with the heart chakra. This chakra is located in the center of the chest and is linked to love, compassion, and emotional healing.
By placing green aventurine on or near your heart chakra, you can help activate and balance this energy center, promoting:
- Love: Increased love for yourself and others.
- Compassion: Greater empathy and understanding for others.
- Emotional healing: Healing of past emotional wounds and a sense of inner peace.
How to use green aventurine
Green aventurine can be used in an area of your house or placed within your energy field.
To be within your energy field a crystal can be:
- Placed near you
- In your pocket, wallet, purse or bag
- Worn as jewellery or an accessory
The crystal’s energy will now be working to heal, improve your life.
Another option is to meditate with green aventurine. You can either place it on one of your chakras or hold it in your hands. This is especially powerful if you have a particular healing property you wish to receive.
Click here for green aventurine jewellery and accessories
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